Skin cancer prevention blog
How to Stick to the Shade in Big Cities: Tips for Staying Sun-Safe
In most cities, there are plenty of natural or architectural features that provide shade. One of the easiest ways to stay out of the direct sun is to plan your walking routes around shaded areas.
Using Sunscreen Daily: Discover a sunscreen for your lifestyle and skin tone
Despite widespread knowledge of the benefits of sun protection, recent statistics reveal that only 12% of men wear sunscreen daily. Selecting the right sunscreen is crucial to daily use. Find a sunscreen that fits your lifestyle and your skin tone.
Stay sun-savvy: The power of sunscreen
Summer is just around the corner, and while we're all eager to soak up those golden rays, it's crucial to remember our skin's best friend: sunscreen! Learn how to select a sunscreen.
What is your plan for preventing skin cancer?
Welcome to MySkin! I’m Heidi Laabs and I co-founded MySkin Photography in 2023 with my business partner Tara Ingleright. I believe that every person’s skin health journey is unique and I’d like to share mine with you.