Early detection benefits

Improved outcomes

  • When identified at an early stage, skin cancer is often localized and can be treated effectively with minor surgical procedures, topical treatments, or laser therapy. Advanced stages particularly with melanoma, may require more extensive treatments including surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, which can be more invasive and less successful.

  • The survival rate for patients with early-stage melanoma is approximately 99% but this rate drops dramatically as the cancer progresses. Detecting melanoma early can prevent it from metastasizing to other parts of the body, where it becomes more difficult to treat and control. Early diagnosis is a key factor in reducing the mortality rate associated with skin cancer.

Cost-effective care

  • Total Body Photography decreases the number of biopsies a patient needs by providing a comprehensive and detailed visual record of the skin over time, which allows for precise monitoring of moles and lesions. By establishing a baseline and enabling accurate comparisons during follow-up visits, dermatologists can detect subtle changes and differentiate between benign and suspicious lesions more effectively. This systematic approach reduces the need for biopsies by allowing stable or benign lesions to be confidently monitored rather than immediately biopsied.

  • Treating skin cancer in its early stages is generally less costly compared to managing advanced stages. Early treatment can avoid the need for more complex procedures and prolonged hospital stay, leading to significant cost savings for both patients and the health care system.

Quality of life

  • Early detection and treatment of kin cancer can greatly enhance a patient’s quality of life. It reduces the physical burden associated with advanced cancer treatments, such as pain and disfigurement. Patients can maintain their daily activities and overall wellbeing with fewer disruptions.

  • Not only is the physical burden decreased, but the emotional burden associated with advanced cancer treatments is decreased. Emotional burdens include psychological stress of dealing with a more serious prognosis. Financial worry for patients and their families is also decreased if skin cancer is detected early.

Dermatologist doing skin examination to detect skin cancer

How to detect skin cancer early

Detecting skin cancer early can be life-saving. It not only enhances effectiveness of treatment but also ensures a better quality of life and reduces healthcare costs. By staying vigilant and proactive through regular self-examinations, professional skin screenings and sun protection, we can significantly reduce the impact of skin cancer. Don’t wait — start taking steps today to protect your skin and your health.

Total Body Photography removes guesswork from skin examinations by providing a precise, high-resolution visual record of the entire skin surface, allowing you and your dermatologist to accurately track changes over time, identify new or evolving lesions and make informed decisions with clear, objective comparisons.

What is the next step on your skin health journey?

Free 15 minute virtual consultation: Ask questions, discuss payment options and discover if Total Body Photography is a good fit for you.

Schedule appointment: Book your Total Body Photography appointment today to empower your skin health journey.